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Win The Day PBIS Program Expands to 4 New Schools

In 2016 we started the Win The Day PBIS (Positive Behavior Incentive System) program at Kent Island High School. The mission of the program is to empower the entire school ecosystem through positive behavior recognition. Through anonymous nominations, staff and students are recognized weekly on the school announcements for their various acts of kindness and are awarded a "Win The Day" tee shirt on behalf of the Giving The Edge Foundation.

We are excited to announce that the program has expanded to Bayside Elementary, Kennard Elementary, Matapeake Middle School, and Stevensville Middle School. The schools and the school board have been extremely supportive of our efforts and our goal is to implement this program in every school in Queen Anne’s County. One element we did add to this program is that the student with the most nominations at the end of the month will be recognized as Win the Day PBIS Student of the month. The student will receive 10 free passes to our Grit Fit Kids or No Days Off and 10% off summer camp tuition. These programs not only focus on a healthy lifestyle but also character development and leadership. Our programming efforts in the schools and through our programs will come full circle and youth will have touch points in a variety of settings. We want to help shape well rounded students for generations to come!

Student of The Month certificates to be given to the winners!

Here’s what people have to say about this impactful program:

“The Win the Day program at Kent Island High School has provided a great boost to our Positive Behavior Initiative. It is hard at times to motivate high school students but a simple and effective act of allowing students to nominate their peers and earn a t-shirt has proven very popular. Win the Day allows anyone in the building to nominate another person for recognition based on their actions and/or character which is a great program to have at KIHS.” -Dan Harding, Assistant Principal & Athletic Director of Kent Island High School

“The opportunity to partner with Giving the Edge Foundation to implement the ‘Win the Day’ PBIS program was extremely rewarding and impactful. Stories were collected from our staff and students highlighting the many ways in which you can make your own or make someone else's day. Those students that were selected received a ‘Win the Day’ t-shirt which were worn proudly. An excellent partnership that I highly recommend!" - John R. Schrecongost, Former Kent Island High School Principal

If you have any questions regarding the program please don’t hesitate to email Colleen Williams at



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